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What Is Vastu?

What Is Vastu? Vastu Shashtra is AN ancient and vital facet of design as per Indian science. It helps in planning the layout and constructions of buildings, homes, workplace areas, colleges etc., creating it a congenial place or setting to figure in and live at. It uses scientific techniques, keeping in mind the laws of nature, parts in our universe and energy fields to make sure improvement in health, wealth, prosperity, success and happiness. 

Vastu may be a science that brings along art, astronomy, star divination and science. several claim it to be AN ancient science of mysticism that was wont to build and style buildings. If one is facing unforeseen issues, Vastu Shastra will facilitate improve life and remedy things that inflicting issues.

Vastu Shastra may be a science of directions that takes into thought all 5 parts – earth, water, air, hearth and house. victimization these they balance needs of man and material. It uses the Panchabootas in nature to require advantage of the advantages to spice up health, wealth, success, prosperity and happiness. It helps to enlighten one’s atmosphere.

Read About: Vastu Dosh Nivaran

As per Hindu puranas, Vastu is regarded extremely by our sages and seers. They used the secrets of nature and also the 5 parts to make their settlements. They created use of characteristics like the magnetic flux, gravity, directions, wind rate, light, heat, effects of the sun, the ultraviolet rays and even the INFRA-Red rays, etc. it takes under consideration the amount and intensity of the rain falling within the explicit section etc. to make sure higher designing and construction of buildings used for human home, i.e. home, amusement, education, work, construction, production etc.

In Vastu shastra, Man is seen because the subject, the item and when the explanation for the design needed. He builds styles and constructs, i.e. conceives the arrange of design together with his expertise of himself, of the character close him and his needs. Through style and art, he moulds and alters the weather in his nature atmosphere.

Man is that the subject, object and also the explanation for design. He perceives and conceives design in respect to his expertise of himself with the encompassing world. Through art of style, he alters and moulds the weather of natural atmosphere. the planet contains of 5 basic parts, conjointly referred to as the Paanchbhootas. they're Earth, Water, Air, hearth and house. Out of the 9 planets, our planet has life as a result of the presence of those 5 parts. Earth and Water have restricted and localized availableness for the human environment and growth. They kind apparent and basic selection manufacturers within the location and also the physical variety of design and environment. Sun, Air and house area unit universally accessible and may be wrought to human wants by the act of style. so as to grasp the act of style with these 5 parts, we have a tendency to shall need to take each individually to understand their which means, role, and workability in design.


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