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shani shanti

shani shanti

In Indian society, it is generally believed that Shanidev is a nasty, inauspicious and miserable provider, but in reality it is not so. There is also a positive effect of Shani shanti in human life. Saturn is the planet of equilibrium and justice. It is considered to be the son of the sun. These are the blue planets, which make the blue rays continuous on the earth. This is the slowest moving planet. It is big, so it takes about 30 years to travel an amount of eighty years and 12 zodiac signs.

Sun Son Shanidev is illusory due to his father's excessive distance from the sun. Therefore it is considered to be dark, amorphous, impotent, enthusiastic, inferior, lowly, merciless. Yet under special circumstances it is a symbol of meaning, religion, action and justice. Apart from this, Shani also gives happiness, wealth, glory and salvation. Often Saturn is sad and painful for sinners.

But for the honest, it is a planet of glory, wealth, rank and honor. There are many fluctuations in life when Shanidev comes. Shani  often does not hurt anyone, but in extreme situations there are many simple tricks, which can be used by us. In addition, this article has been given  of Shani and the rules, abstinence and remedies, which can be used by Shani Shanti and can remove misery in life and move towards success.

Buy a black bird on Shanivar and blow it into the sky with both hands. Your pain and suffering will be gone.
On Saturdays, offer a trousal of iron in Mahakal Shiva, Mahakal Bhairav ​​or Mahakali temple.
If there is a delay in marriage due to Shani Dosh , then 250 grams of black rye on the first Saturday of Shukla Paksha, put in a new black cloth and put it in the root of the Peepal tree and pray for an early marriage.

Place the old shoe on Saturni Amavasya on the chorale.
For economic growth, you always mix wheat ghee on Saturday and mix some black gram in wheat.
Before any Shukla side, take 10 almonds to the Hanuman temple. 5 put almonds there and bring 5 almonds to the house and put them in a red cloth and put it in the money place.
On Saturday, black gram, jaggery, banana feed monkeys.
Donate a letter of mustard oil.
Immerse the coconut in running water.
On Saturday, grinded black urad and made poultry of his flour and fed the fish.
Offer 7 iron nails on each plant of Akk on Saturdays.
Wear iron ring made of black horse cord or boat nail in middle finger on Saturday during sunset.
Donate five timely timber charms in Shamshan Ghat.
Feed the black dog
On Saturday night, place mustard oil on the hands and feet nails.
Cheetahs feed on 7 Saturdays mixed with black sesame seeds, flour and sugars.
Burn the sesame oil or mustard oil lamp under the peepal tree on Saturday evening.
Shani's body should be chanting Hanuman Chalisa morning and evening.
The person suffering from acute pain should not consume milk at night.

kale ghode ki naal in the sunny place, press on Saturday.
If you are not getting rid of debt due to Saturday, black rose berries feed the blind.
On the evening of Saturday, the black dog fed rotten bread. If the black dog eats the bread, then there is a pain in the pain found by Saturn.
Black dog should not be brought to the door.

But he should go and get his bread on the road.
For Shani Shanti, please chant ah pran pran pran pran pran pran pran sansnshishay nama or oon shanasachshay nama.
Chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for Shani Shanti.
Seven face rudraksha can also hold for Saturn.
Hold a sapphire gemstone or hold it in blue or lustrous, punch metal.


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