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shani shanti

In the Hindu religion traditions, the character of Shani Dev, who is considered a magistrate, also inspires to embrace karma and truth in life. If you want to make Shani's delight, then there are some simple and best solutions! Saturday's fasting and Shani Dev worship can start on any Saturday. The person who follows this fast should worship Shani Dev at the Brahma Muhurat in the morning on Saturday. Saturn worship and worship have been considered as auspicious on Saturday for adopting the noble resolutions. Keeping it away from sorrow, discord, failure leads to good luck, success and happiness. You can get salvation like this from any kind of Saturn fault, know ways to shani shanti: -


If you want to please Shani soak black gram in the water on Friday night. On Saturday, take a piece of black gram, burnt coal, turmeric and iron and bundle them together in a black cloth. Throwing the bundle into the water in flowing water, there are fish. Repeat this process every Saturday for one year. This will end barriers arising due to the inauspicious effect of Shani.


Even in this way you can keep Saturn happy, the horse's cord can make a ring from a blacksmith here on Saturday. Put it in raw milk or clean water on Friday night. On Saturday morning wear that ring in the middle of your left hand. This will give you immediate results.


On Saturdays wrap around the papal tree seven times the raw yarn wrapping the Shani Mantra during this time, it takes away all the problems of your sister-in-law. After wrapping the yarn, it is compulsory to worship the Peepal tree and to burn the lamp. To avoid the wrath of the seventeenth, a person who fasting on this day should eat salt-free food once a day.


Shani Dev can also be pleased by worshiping a black cow. For this, after putting the tilak on your forehead, you will have to make a sacred thread in the horn and then show the sun. The cow's arti must be done. After the orbiting the cow at the end, he also fed four Bundi kunds. This prevents all adverse effects of Shani Dev's sister-in-law.


Saturn is very much like mustard oil. To please Saturn, worship the peepal tree on Saturdays and should mustard mustard oil on it. It is believed that Saturn is extremely pleased when worshiping Peepal before sunrise.


On Saturday evening, the lamp of mustard oil should be lit under the peepal tree, after which the trees should rotate seven. After this worship, Saturn God is pleased with feeding 7 laddus to a black dog and gives positive results.


On Saturday, take a black thread of 19 times the length of your hand and make it as a garland and put it in your neck. This will give good results and God will bless you with Shanidev.


Make two loaves on any Saturday dough (with bran). Keep mustard oil and sweets on one bread while ghee on the other. Feed the first bread (oil and sweets) a black cow, then feed another cow (ghee) to the same cow. Now pray for Shani Dev and wish him peace and prosperity.


To please Shani Dev, you should supply oil on Shani Dev idol for 43 consecutive days during the rising sun. Keep in mind that this method of pleasing Shani Dev should be started on Saturday.


Every Saturday, monkeys feed jaggery and black gram, besides bananas or sweet lions can also feed. It is also very helpful in ending the inauspicious effect of Shani Dev.


Besides, while worshiping Lord Shani, he should lay the moonlight while reading this mantra-

Bho Shani Dev: Chandanan Divya Gandhadha Sumanoharam |

Vyalapan Shatmatj: Chandanan Hariyayantam ||


While chanting this mantra in the worship of Lord Shani, he should dedicate extraordinary surrender -

Do not be loyal to the Lord.

Arghyam Chan Phaya Sanyukta Gandhadhyalaxattey Yutam ||


While reciting this mantra, Lord Shani should dedicate the lamp presented to God-

The publications were not included in the document.

Deepa Ghrihan Devesh Trilokya Timiri Paham Bhaktiyya Deepa Vichyam Devi Paramatmaan ||


While reciting this mantra, Lord Shani should dedicate sacrificing sacrifice and should use black sandal (kajal or yagna) on his head -

God: Niravabastantu Bhiruktaa Trigunna Deva Mayam |

Vice Vishnu Mata Dutt Harihar Bhagya: ||


While reciting this mantra, Lord Shani shanti pooja should dedicate the pomp to Lord Rama -

Neel Kamal Sagandhi Mallyadini Vai Prabhu |

Mayaharatani Pushpani Grihantan Pujani Bho ||


While worshiping Lord Shani Dev, while chanting this mantra, he should give up his clothes -

Shani Dev: Sulturamic oranges protects the shame.

Devalankaranam Clothing Bhat: Peacefully in Love ||


While worshiping Shani Dev, he should take bath with mustard oil while studying this mantra-

Bho Shani Dave: Mustard oil Vishat Snigadhata |



While worshiping the son of Lord Surya, Lord Shani, while chanting this mantra, you should offer water of Padra -

Gandhadivirutam is the most comprehensive instrument.

Unconditional Harta Hometown Lord Saturn Devata: |


While reciting this mantra in worship of Lord Shani, he should surrender to Asana-

Wonderful gemstone;

Golden throne Charu Gharishava Shani Dev Poojit: ||


Through this mantra, Lord Shani Dev


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