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shani dosh nivaran

Shani (शनि, Śhani) is one of nine main celestial planets in Hindu astrology .Shanidev, saturn planet is embodied. Shanidev is the lord of Saturday. Its nature is tamas and it shows hard way teaching, careers and longevity.

The derivation of the word Shani is from the following: Shaniya sequi sas i.e., that which goes slowly. Saturn takes 30 years in the orbit of Sun, thus it slows down compared to other planets, hence the name of Sanskrit is Saturn. Shanidev is actually a semi-deity and is a son of Sun (Hindu Sun God) and his wife Shadow. It is said that when he opened his eyes for the first time as a baby, then the sun went into eclipse, thereby indicating the effect of Shani dosh nivaran on the astrological chart (horoscope).

They are painted in black, in black robes, a sword, arrows and two daggers, and they often board a black cow. They are shown with ugly, old, lame and long hair, teeth and nails on some different occasions. He is the lord of 'Shani-Var'.

Effects of Shani dosh nivaran:
Loss of parental property, always trouble with illness
Trouble due to litigation
Deteriorating work
Measures of Shani Planet Blame:
Worship god bhairav
Please refer to 1 mala for the pran Pran Pran Shan Shishchai Mant Mantra
1 kg of Shani Dev to anoint with mustard oil
Avoid putting black oil on your head
Go to Shani Temple continuously for 43 days and offer blue floral
Feed crows or snakes, feed the rice
See your face by filling the oil in a vessel, press the vessel in the ground.
Shake 800 grams of milk, urad in water on Saturday
Take a bath on a wooden or stone by adding milk to the water
Take care of cleaning the roof of the house
12 Feed the blind people
Shani's mantra

O Namo Qualified Bhagwate Shrimate Munisuvrat Teerthankaray Varun Yaksha Paryupani |
Yakshi Sahithya Oham Kranti Hari Hr: Saturn Mahaagraha Mama Rakshashrahaa,


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