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shani dosh nivaran

shani dosh nivaran - When it falls Saturn's treatment
Saturn is the image of the Saturn's planet, a cruel planet. The reason for this is also valid because when Saturn falls, good condition of the good becomes thin. Although Saturn is a fair nation and good with good, Bura is going to give results, but due to the mistakes made in ignorance many times Saturn devotees also become the share of their anger. Therefore Saturn is considered to be an evil planet rather than a justified. In this article we will tell you about Shani Dosh so you can know that you are not even a victim of Shani Dosh.

What happens is saturn defect

Shani Devi is actually called the condition of Saturn in the horoscope of the zodiac in which it is painful. It can have several forms. Since Shani Dev goes slow, therefore Saturn's fury also lasts for a long time. In this sense Saturn's sister-in-law, sister-in-law is also considered to be Saturn Dosh.

When does Saturn blame

When Saturn is in Aries, then it is considered to be of lowly due to which it is also called Saturna. Besides Saturn is of the enemy, even then he harasses the person. If Saturn is with Sun and it is not happening, then under these circumstances there is also Shani Dosh. Saturn is also inauspicious to be with Moon. Overall, when Saturn is of lowly zodiac sign, or if he is making a note with the sun or moon, then in these states Saturn blames.

Saturn's widow

According to Chandra Zodiac, when Saturn is in eighth or fourth place, this condition is called Shani of Saturn. During this time, the Jatak has to suffer a lot of physical, mental and financial losses and his life becomes annoying.

Saturn of Saturn

According to the Moon, when Saturn is in the first, second or the divine place, this condition of Saturn is called Sadhasati.

How to Avoid Shani Dosh-ghode ki naal

When Saturn falls, then one becomes compelled to eat everybody's stumbling rate. A person who touches the sky rising on the stairs of the height, comes on the road. At home and business, at every stage of darkness, darkness seems to be dark. No dice is thrown directly. Overall, Saturn's death can be understood in exactly the right way, which is two to four times per day. Saturn is considered as a cruel or evil planet, but in reality his role is only of a fair magistrate. Shani Dev gives justice and punishment on the principle of filling it as such, there are some such measures through which those who, through unknowingly can forget their mistake, can repent of sin.

To avoid the negative effects of Shani Dosha, worship Shani Dev and donate oil, mustard, urad etc. should be donated. Saturn's anger is also reduced by worshiping Lord Hanuman. The worship of Lord Shiva, especially the chanting of Shiva Mantra, can also be redressed. Since it is considered as the dwelling of all the Gods in Peepal, therefore, Shani Dev can be delighted by applying Peepal tree and applying lamp. Chanting Shani Mantra can also be done. Shaniadosh may also be due to the worship of Shani Dev on Saturn or Shani jayanti day. You should consult with scholars of the astrologers to find out the Sympathisms and remedial measures. To consult well-known astrologers across the country, you can register yourself by clicking on this link. Immediately after the registration, your account will get 100 rupees after which you can talk to any astrologer.


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